Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) Practice Exam

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A person who cannot reposition themselves independently is at risk for developing which of the following?

Joint flexibility

Pressure ulcers

The correct response is that a person who cannot reposition themselves independently is indeed at risk for developing pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers, also known as bedsores or decubitus ulcers, occur when there is prolonged pressure on the skin, particularly over bony areas. Individuals with limited mobility may remain in one position for extended periods, which can lead to decreased blood flow to the skin and surrounding tissue, increasing the likelihood of skin breakdown and ulcer formation. Maintaining the ability to reposition oneself is crucial for preventing these ulcers, as regular movement helps redistribute pressure and enhances circulation to the skin. Proper care techniques, such as regular turning and repositioning of individuals who are immobile, are fundamental practices in a healthcare setting to reduce this risk. The other choices, while related to physical health, do not directly correlate with the inability to reposition oneself. Joint flexibility, muscle strength, and bone density may be affected by a lack of movement over time, but the immediate concern for someone unable to move independently is the development of pressure ulcers.

Muscle strength

Bone density


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